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A special gift just for YOU!

Writer's picture: Tunai Anderson Tunai Anderson

Updated: Dec 24, 2019

Merry CHRISTmas!

This year, I wanted to gift you all with a very special gift. God laid it on my heart to reach out to a few women, some of whom I know personally and many of whom I met via social media however, our spirits are connected together in Christ.

It is my prayer that as you read through their personal stories and testimonies, you will be inspired and eager to develop a more intimate personal relationship with Christ.

Tis' the season to be giving and what better gift to share other than the gift of life, true life that is found hidden in Christ.

A Prayer Closet is that sacred place where you meet God in prayer- just you and him. Whether physical or internal, our prayer closets become portable because we have Christ living in our hearts and carry his word with us everywhere we go. But where do you go to "close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret?" "He who sees in secret will reward you" ~ Matthew 6:6

So, sit back, relax and enjoy as my sisters share their testimonies.

Tunai Anderson, Owner and Founder of TuNai's Closet

Long Beach, CA



Meet my sister Victoria,

"Growing up, I never had a physical prayer closet, I’ve always been constantly on the go. Of course I was praying (in my head mostly) throughout the day, but never had a designated spot to pray. And now that I’m a flight attendant that is traveling it makes it harder to have a physical place as my prayer closet. However, I’ve been blessed to have crossed paths with someone that God PURPOSEly placed in my life during the time I made the decision to grow my relationship with Him on my spiritual walk.

I had been praying for like-minded friends that were full of His spirit and those that wanted to know Him. Gratefully He sent Lenise who not only became my friend/sister but also my prayer and accountability partner. From the 2-3’hours long conversations about God and prayer sessions to about at 3/4am in the morning led to God revealing to her to start The Prayer Closet on Facebook. The Prayer Closet is a movement that God has created to draw people to and back to Him through prayer, fasting, accountability and encouraging each other in truth and love. This became my designated prayer closet. And on every Tuesday night at 9pm EST we have a prayer line where we each would pray together, for each other and more. Being apart of The Prayer Closet has helped me grow and learn a lot about myself and more about God. Through prayer, love, support and accountability I’ve been able to open up in ways I’ve always been fearful to do. It has helped me understand the power of praying out loud, become more truthful about my journey, walk in love and compassion, be vulnerable and find my voice through opening up about life battles I’ve faced. Having my Prayer Closet has helped me to trust in God more, speak up and out, step out on faith and begin the purpose He planned for my life. Although I still have a great deal of work to do on myself I’ve seen growth and improvement that brings a smile to my face. I’m beyond grateful and thankful for God’s grace and mercy that has kept me thus far. He has never left my side"

~ Victoria Elizabeth Robinson, Atlanta GA

Connect with Victoria ~ Instagram: @IVictoriaExist Facebook:


Meet my sister Akia,

"Having a personal prayer life with God has truly changed my life in so many ways and in so many instances. If I did not have that I honestly would not know where I would be. I have always been involved with the church, starting from an early age. As I grew older I never lost sight of prayer and thanking God for all that that I have. I remember hearing somewhere, that you needed to thank God for your blessings instead of just always asking him for something and that he always wants to hear from you. During my adult years, I started to talk to him a lot every morning when I would take a shower. That was my time with him. Now, I will still talk to him in the shower and on my way to work most mornings. Turning off the radio and talking with him and praying for all my family members and close friends.

Throughout my life I have made it through many obstacles and accomplished goals that I often thought were unattainable, because I could not see it. However, I held on to the faith that I had because I always knew that God would never lead me so far to leave me. Often, your faith is all you have.

I clearly see that within my career that God has truly been there every step of the way. I have never been without a job however, was blessed to focus on school while in college and looking back God supplied all my needs during this time. I began to see the power of the Lord; when one door closed another one opened. This was over 17 years ago, and to date I still allow him to close doors and in return he continues to open so many doors for me. The doors that I thought should open, and of course because I am human first, I would wonder "why not that door" because I would see it best for me. However, God did not see it best and when I reflect, I see that the path he took me on caused me to promote at a faster rate than I may have been able to. He had to put the right people in my life as well so that I could obtain these things. He is always working, I just cried out saying “God thank you for thinking of me and not forgetting me.”.

I am working on creating an actual prayer closet however, it's hard because my closet space is scarce. I have started thinking is it the prayer closet that is significant or is it what it represents? I feel that more than anything it is what it represents. So, in my case I make use of what I have. The purpose is a place where you can go to free yourself from distractions, solely focus and spend time with the Lord. So for me, my "prayer closet" has been in my car in my garage. My everyday prayers, things that I am confused about and/or battling, I continue to pray to God knowing I need answers and knowing how he has already brought many things to past."

~ Akia Wilburn, Inglewood CA

Connect with Akia ~ Instagram: @iampritiki


Meet my sister Vicki,

"I started my prayer closet back in 2015, after being inspired by the movie War Room.  During that time I can remember feeling defeated in so many areas of my life. I would often question God asking “ what am I doing wrong?” or “why aren’t you helping me?” I realized that in order for me have victory over the enemy in every area of my life, it would require a strategy – Prayer. So I created an area of my walk in closet and dedicated it exclusively for prayer. Nothing fancy, but just a place where I could be alone with God.                                                        

In my prayer closet I keep tissue (cause there will be tears), paper & pen, and a Bible. I have a wall that I use exclusively for prayer requests. I write down everything from prayers for my family and friends, to prayers for my future grandchildren.  I pray over these requests using the motto: P.U.S.H. (pray until something happens) and I go back and record the way(s) that God has answered those prayers. It encourages me to remain faithful and consistent in my prayer life -even during the waiting.  Every time I enter my prayer closet, I read over all the tear stained prayers that God has answered, including those that are still in the waiting.  It reminds me that He who promised is always faithful (Hebrews 10:23).

Creating a prayer closet has been one of the greatest investments in my relationship with God. It encourages me to take everything to God in prayer. My husband and children have been inspired to do the same. It’s become a place where I can share my deepest fears, concerns, and worries; a place where I can be vulnerable and transparent without the fear of being judged; a place to be strengthened and refueled. Most importantly, it’s a place where God speaks. If we want to hear His still small voice, we must create an environment that’s conducive to us being able to hear Him."

~Vicki Y. Childress, Los Angeles CA

Connect with Vicki ~ Instagram: @mrsvchil Website:


Meet my sister Ivonna,

"My prayer life has changed dramatically since becoming intentional. Having a designated time and place to pray is so refreshing. My prayer closet is the most peaceful place in my home. When I open the door I immediately feel the presence of God. It’s an indescribable feeling but He shows up. Even when I don’t have the words to say as I enter my prayer closet just sitting there revives my spirit. I thank God for being a friend.  Through daily prayers my relationship with Him has grown. Prayer is a two way communication between God and I. He corrects, guides, encourages and loves on me. It’s such a blessing to take the lead from my Father and Creator."

~ Ivonna Richardson, North Charleston, SC Connect with Ivonna ~ Instagram: @Ivonnabfit Website:


Meet my sister Alicia,

" Over the years, I learned that God speaks if we allow Him too! I remember going through some rough emotions about my relationship and some of my friendships that I really did not have a clue on how to handle anymore. One night at home, I decided to sit in the dark not sure what to do or say. I sat silent physically, but my mind was so loud, and it was so frustrating because I literally could not turn my thoughts off. Still sitting, I asked God to meet me there and it led me to shift my thoughts on Him meeting me there in my prayer closet. I remember telling Him that “I was not going anywhere until I heard Him like other people mentioned”. I waited for what felt like forever. Still waiting, waiting and waiting, I finally heard Him, and it instantly brought me to tears. It was something that I’ve never experienced before, so powerful to say the least. That moment led me to want to hear Him more and as I stayed consistent with going into my quiet space to hear Him, it became easier and eventually it got to the point to where I am now able to hear Him anywhere! My prayer closet has helped me endure so much! I have received most of my healing there. There have been numerous nights where my daughter and I have falling asleep in the closet because of the comfort and fullness of God’s powerful presence and so much more! Through this journey I have learned that God is more than a so-called higher power. We actually have direct access to Him! All He wants is our sincere heart. It does not matter what our past looks like He just wants our heart and our attention so that He can transform us into a life of abundance".

~ Alicia Shanay, Los Angeles, CA

Connect with Alicia~ Instagram~ @ofnoblekind_


Meet my sister LaPreches,

" My meditation prayer room is my place of worship. My place of complete silence so I can hear God and meditate on God. I love to lay in silence and be still. About two years ago I was searching for answers everywhere but in the safety of God's presence.  It wasn't until I was laying in complete stillness with my eyes closed that God spoke to me and simply said, " BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD". After that experience I decided I needed a place to be still so I could always hear God. I turned my daughter's old bedroom into my meditation prayer room. I also began to write what I heard God speak to me on index cards and tape them above my bathroom sinks mirror. Every morning before I start me day I read them. Every night before I lay down I read them. I get inspired every day by reading what God wants from me. My prayer room is where I pour it all out. Where I cry, laugh, shout, dance, praise, worship, smile and just spend uninterrupted quality time with God".

~LaPreches Peterson, Los Angeles, CA

Connect with Lapreches ~ Instagram @loveis_laprechesdiamond


Meet my sister Lyn,

"My prayer closer has changed my life. I read many different books and meditate on different things. My cup that I keep in my closet is for hot tea or coffee and the cloth allows me to sit anywhere and make that place my "closet". These past two years, I have learned what prayer really is and what it means. Something in my life brought prayer, and reading the word back into my life. Sometimes we forget what the prayer closet can do for us in our times of need because our focus is on the answer and not the process. God has given us this time to ask him what we want. My prayer closet has made me stronger and wanting to seek God much more. He has taught me to learn to understand his word much more as well"

~Lyn Daniels, Compton CA

Connect with Lyn ~ Instagram @prayer_closet19


Meet my sister Breea,

Since a very young age, I’ve known the power of having a prayer closet. I learned the value of starting my day off with an intimate conversation with the Lord. As a little girl, my grandmother would take me (and sometimes my brother) into her closet and pray over me daily. I would get in the closet and of course giggle (like any child would), but she would demand that I behave and get serious before the Lord. This closet which was stuffed to the max with clothes, immediately transformed into a little sanctuary when it was time to talk to God. My grandmother would end each prayer session singing “I got a feeling that everything is gonna be alright.” And to my surprise, everything would turn out alright.

As an adult, I was so inspired when I walked into Tunai’s home and saw how she created a beautiful space to celebrate and commune with God. She encouraged me to find a space within my home to create a prayer area, and I did the same thing. I transformed my small sunporch into my prayer room. That space which was once reserved for messy-idle chatter and nonsense, has now become my sacred space for God.

When I’m not a home, and I need to get centered and talk to the Lord- I head to the closet bathroom stall and pray. And God will often meet me right there! Like many women, I battle with anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, and unresolved grief-loss issues. I’ve also struggled with finding my identity as a professional, and I constantly wonder if I’m “good enough” to serve in different capacities. Over and over again, God continues to reveal, “you were qualified when I called you to do it.” God has also revealed why I was “chosen” to perform different tasks, and specifically who I’ve been assigned to serve. Although I don’t read my Bible daily, I do listen to sermons on YouTube- and meditate/talk to Jesus throughout the day and night. He provides reassurance daily that I’m never alone and He walks with me! The Lord continues to provide answers to all of my prayers. Sometimes the answers are provided immediately. While other answers take time to be revealed. I’ve learned that no matter the outcome of whatever trail I face, God’s got it and “everything is going to be alright!”

~ Breea Charles, Los Angeles Ca

Connect with Breea ~ Instagram @nubianbree


" In 2016 after purchasing our home and supporting my Husband who was led to go back to school, I picked up the slack and juggled working full time, supporting him while tending to our newly purchased home all while caring for our two small kids. During this time I was so thirsty for God and my relationship with him was getting more personal however, because my plate was so full I was noticing my prayer time was decreasing. My quiet time in the bathroom was becoming bombarded with little knocks "mommy, mommy", on the days I didn't have to pick up the kids from school I thought I would be able to pull up and sit quietly in my car however, I could always see four little eyes peeking through the blinds and I remember saying to myself " do they have anteena's on their heads?" sheesh.... I was feeling like I had no quiet place to seek God intimately and spend quality time alone with him. This left me feeling frustrated, frequently overwhelmed and I was beginning to feel resentful. I knew these feelings were not from God and would ask God on the inside of myself "show me how to juggle all that I have to juggle without neglecting the duties I have to care for." Weeks or maybe even months later the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit saying "clean out one of your closets and meet me there". Doing so has completely changed my life. Having this tangible space inside of my home sets me up to succeed in regards of making sure I spend time in prayer with God and reading his word. My ministry/business was revealed to me in Prayer Closet while spending intimate time with God. Founded on Matthew 6:6, TuNai's Closet has become my personal ministry and birthed from my ministry was a business. The bible says "he who finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord". Having my prayer closet allows me to cry, vent, talk to God literally behind closed doors and pray to my Father who is unseen. God resides in that secret place and wants us to get before him quietly and intimately. God has been connecting me with so many different women around the globe who share this common desire. To know God personally, to go to him and put him first, to repent and choose to live our lives according to his word and how he sees fit- may not be the norm but is the necessary as believers in him. We all are ministers and have a ministry (something to add to the kingdom of God to draw others to him)- It's my desire to inspire you that as you read these stories you will grow closer to God because he is life! Spending time with him will show you just how imperfect we are and how we need him. Spending time with him will give you purpose and he will reveal why he created you to walk this Earth. Just like we spend time with our spouses, family and friends- God wants our time too! In fact he wants our time first and above all! The bible says "seek ye first the kingdom of God". In order to have a personal relationship with him it requires time alone with him seeking after him. It is my prayer that as we enter into a new year, a new decade this will be the year you decide to take up your cross and follow after Christ. It's my prayer that you will decide to seek after him like never before by reading your bible and meeting him in prayer and will come together with other believers for support, inspiration and prayer. May you find inspiration from my sisters as you begin your prayer closet journey! Stay connected!

~ Tunai Anderson


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2 Kommentare

26. Dez. 2019

Thank you for doing this. I enjoyed reading it and even got ideas on how to transform my prayer space.

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24. Dez. 2019

All wonderful testimonies and very inspirational and insightful!! Thank you sis for gifting me the opportunity to share my experience and testimony and thank you for being YOU!!

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